Sabtu, 03 September 2016

Hari Untuk Berjuang


After got bachelor on July, sebagian orang berpikir that i already pass my study on university. Tapi sayangnya first impression is not always right. One more pain i have to endure for my education, all bad things waiting me in one year that i will fighting for. Jadi untuk orang-orang yang kak day sayangi tunggulah kak day and i'll try being a strong girl. Tetapi tidak semua berjalan lancar because this time when i will fight for my future i suddenly falling in love with my friend when we both in junior high school until senior high school that now he had a good job but he don't wanna tell me about what the kind his job (unfortunately I KNOW) and i don't know if he also fall for me or just yeah I DON'T REALLY KNOW. 

I have tons of problem now. Crisis, will leave my family, will meet killer senior, will meet killer Clinic Instructor, will meet killer tutor, making too many reports after back from hospital or clinic. After all that shit, i will making contract appointments with tutor for exam. 

So yah kak day berpikir 'i can hadle this or not' tapi ini semua bukan untuk dihindari, do not run away from reality. Memang kalau mau jadi the real human harus tahan banting sama tekanan supaya sukses. AMIN. Dan rasa sedap jugak kalin pikir setiap hari hidup rasa palpitation. InsyaAllah aku berusaha, berdoa dan doa restu orangtua aku akan jalani apapun lika-liku kehidupan ini.

Ya Allah permudahkanlah urusanku....
Selamat berjuang dan jangan menyerah!!!
Thank you for reading this entry

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